Employee Motivation in the Garment Industry

Employee Motivation in the Garment Industry

Employee motivation is considered to be an important factor towards achieving targets as well as desired performance levels. Among many of the garments in Sri Lanka, MAS, Brandix, Hela, Hirdaramani are found to be the industry leaders in Sri Lanka and they have become the preferred employers of Sri Lanka for many of the people who are looking for job opportunities. This is mainly because of the way these garments treat and reward their employees which has led towards a higher level of motivation.
Employee motivation can be defined as the drive which lead the employees towards success while contributing vastly towards the growth of the organization (Nduka , 2016). According to Hughes, (2012) the sub categories of employee motivation can be identified as follows,

Figure 1 - Sub-categories of Employee Motivation


(Hughes , 2012)

Video 1 - Employee Engagement and Motivation Video - Achievement Awards Group

                                                                                           (Bing.com, 2019)

Video 2 - How to keep your employees motivated

                                                                                           (Bing.com, 2019)

Garment industry plays a significant role towards the growth and the sustainability of the Sri Lankan economy. It includes fashion designing, manufacturing and exporting of the various apparel products to different countries. Therefore, it is Important to look after the motivation of the employees in such a significant industry.
These garments have generated a substantial number of jobs for Sri Lankan youth. It has been seen that a higher number of women are engaged in the garments industry of Sri Lanka starting from Juki Machine Operators to Senior Management and the garment industry of Sri Lanka has taken initiatives to empower these women to maintain work-life balance while improving the opportunities of learning and development for all the staff members (Perera , 2013).


Bing.com. (2019). employee motivation videos - Bing video. [online] Available at: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=employee+motivation+videos&&view=detail&mid=476D3B83C4A3B6C543D4476D3B83C4A3B6C543D4&&FORM=VRDGAR: s.n. [Accessed 7 Oct. 2019].

Bing.com. (2019). employee motivation videos - Bing video. [online] Available at: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=employee+motivation+videos&&view=detail&mid=F0D753DF4A6C8774358DF0D753DF4A6C8774358D&&FORM=VDRVRV [Accessed 7 Oct. 2019].

Hughes , C., 2012. A Study of Motivation: How to Get Your Employees Moving , s.l.: s.n.

Nduka , O., 2016. Employee Motivation and Performance, s.l.: s.n.

Perera , M., 2013. Textile and Apparel Industry of Sri Lanka – an Overview Contents, s.l.: s.n.


  1. Agreed.Beside another definition given by Skripak (2016) was "Motivation refers to an internally generated drive to achieve a goal or follow a particular course of action".Also he stated highly motivated employees focus their efforts on achieving specific goals.

    1. Thank you, True, Highly motivated employees focus their efforts on achieving specific goals. But It’s the manager’s job, therefore, to motivate employees to get them to try to do the best job they can. Motivated employees call in sick less frequently, are more productive, and are less likely to convey bad attitudes to customers and coworkers (Medoc, 2007)

  2. I agree with above comments. Motivated and committed employees with high levels of job involvement are considered as an important asset to an organization (Denton, 1987). Keeping the employee motivation, commitment and job involvement up, is always rewarding to a business; as motivated and committed employees are more productive (Denton, 1987).

    1. Thank You, The bases upon which business sustainability and competitiveness can be built have fundamentally shifted from tangible to intangible resources. In particular, knowledge-based resources, capabilities and competencies reflected in an organization’s intellectual capital are increasingly defining today’s “knowledge economy” . Therefore, organizations are turning their focus to their human, intellectual, knowledge management and information system resources in recognition of their vital role as a driving force behind their success and the sustainability of their competitive advantage, and encouraging innovation practices (Duncan, 2010)

  3. Agreed, if employees are not motivated, their performance levels decreases which in turn would affect the organisations success (Rothberg, 2005). No organisation can succeed with successful or motivated employees (Adi, 2000).

    1. Thank you, that is why organizations strive to develop a committed workforce by adopting the best methods to ensure employee motivation and retention. An example of such methods includes the ability of organizations to adopt positive organizational attitudes such as job involvement and job satisfaction. Furthermore, having a motivated, involved, and committed workforce is considered an important asset to an organization’s success as keeping employee motivation, commitment and job involvement up leads to improved productivity and lower turnover rates (Delisha, 2006)

  4. Agreed.Following Lakhani and Wolf (2005), Lakhani and Von Hippel (2003) and Lemer and Tirole (2004), the current scholarly thinking favors a framework that considers two components of motivation given by intrinsic and extrinsic components. Accordingly, Lawler (1969) intrinsic motivation is the degree to which feelings of esteem, growth, and competence are expected to result from successful task performance. This view bounds intrinsic motivation to an expectancy approach and expectancy theory which clearly indicates that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations summate (Porter &Lawler, 1968).

    1. Thank You, According to Deci and Ryan (1985) , extrinsic motivation is a drive to behave in certain ways based on external sources and it results in external rewards. Such sources include grading systems, employee evaluations, awards and accolades, and the respect and admiration of others.

  5. Hi Chathura, I believe that employee engagement should be achieved universally, irrespective of the industry. Engaged employees result in a domino effect, leading to lower staff turnover, increased productivity and profits and increased loyalty (Robins, 2017).

    1. Thank you, you are Correct, Employees who are emotionally and mentally connected to their organization work harder, stay longer, and motivate others to do the same. In fact, employee engagement research shows that organizations improving in profit, revenue, market share, stock value, and employee retention have highly engaged employees ( Bolt, 2001) , hence it is not specific for any industry.

  6. Hi Chathura,There are three basic instincts that control the motivation of all. The desire for power, success, and association motivates an individual. Individuals have a combination of these urges, one of which is typically more dominant than the other two (McClelland, 1965)

    1. Thank you, McClelland's Human Motivation Theory is also known as Three Needs Theory, Acquired Needs Theory, Motivational Needs Theory, and Learned Needs Theory explains deeply in this regard

  7. Adding to your brief introduction on employee motivation, Krietner (1995) defined motivation as the psychological process in which the employee identifies a sense of purpose & direction in order to fulfill an unsatisfied need for themselves or for the organization. Antomioni (1999) stated that there is a strong correlation between the effort an employee is willing to put in to their work and the degree to which the employee feels that their motivational needs are satisfied.

    1. Thank you, Increasing motivation, commitment and engagement levels are key organizational aspects nowadays. The development of compensation policies has an important role in motivating workforce to deliver high levels of performance, discretionary effort and contribution ( Anna, 2005)

  8. Agreed on the article and while looking positive motivating factors to the industry, there can be a high chance of employee will transfer to engage to disengagement. Imposing unwanted rules and regulation is also leading to employee disengagement where it is creating fear among the employees to complete the assign duties (Wildermuth, 2019).

    1. Thank You, In addition The factors that drive employees to be engaged in their work vary not only from country to country but also by industry sector and within companies. Consequently, organizations that are expanding globally need to be aware of what engages their workforce in different global locations (Dale,1999)

  9. While agreeing on your above details, I would like to highlight the employee motivation situation in the garment industry from this book titled “Garment Manufacturing: Processes, Practices and Technology” by Prasanta Sarkar. According to the book, Garment manufacturers are responsible for the growth and learning of their employees. Appropriate candidates are given annual bonuses, salary revisions and promotions. These are a few strategies that factories follow to improve the motivation of employees. In order to motivate workers not to be absent during the week, factory provides a bonus for full attendance in a month to their workers. Garment manufacturers also distribute performance incentives based on their weekly or monthly performance to their employees and supervisors to motivate them for the extra effort and to improve the overall performance of the factory (Sarkar, 2013).

    1. Thank you, In addition, the rapid development of human resource management has resulted in an expanded concept of employee involvement that is particularly linked to the increase in direct forms of employee participation, where individual employees are actively involved at various levels of organizational decision-making. Indirect participation is exercised through processes such as collective bargaining and elected representatives. The search by enterprises and companies in the highly competitive globalized economy for competitive advantages has been a significant driver for new models of partnership, creating not only direct participation forms, but also new alignments between trade unions and employees and employers (Ranaraja, 2001)

  10. Agreed on what you have discussed above. Employees are the real asset to the organization, they consider as the organizational engine. (Mohsen et al.2004). therefore the organization must need to keep employee satisfied to get the competitive advantage. In order to make them happy and dedicated to the jobs, organization is strongly needed effective motivation at different levels(tella et al.2007).

    1. Thank you, Yes businesses Nowadays recognize the importance of happy and motivated employees and a low staff turnover rate in driving organizational success. The HR function is responsible for gauging employee morale through staff surveys and focus groups, and then - in partnership with management - designing strategies to improve employee engagement and retention. Conducting thorough exit interviews and acting on the results is also an important part of this process (Lucida, 2001).

  11. Adding up to the above, motivated and committed employees with high levels of job involvement are considered as an important asset to an organization (Denton, 1987). Denton (1987) argued, that keeping the employee motivation, commitment and job involvement up, is always rewarding to a business; as motivated and committed employees are more productive.

    1. Thank You, Moreover well motivated and committed employees with high levels of job involvement are considered to be the most important asset for any organization which serves as key to quality and productivity improvements (Ellison, 2003).

  12. Agree with your blog furthermore , Rathamani and Ramchandra (2013) studied the quality of the working conditions of textile workers in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and found that work-life quality factors contribute to increasing the productivity of employees.

  13. Hi Chathura, agree with your points.
    Motivation is the activation or energization of goal oriented behavior. It is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. Work motivation is the force that drives an employee to perform well in their job (Aamodt, 2014).

  14. Hi Chathura, agreed with your note. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform and what motivates employees changes constantly (Bowen & Radhakrishna, 1991).

  15. Here is Mr Benjamin contact Email details, 247officedept@gmail.com. / Or Whatsapp +1 989-394-3740 that helped me with loan of 90,000.00 Euros to startup my business and I'm very grateful,It was really hard on me here trying to make a way as a single mother things hasn't be easy with me but with the help of Mr Benjamin put smile on my face as i watch my business growing stronger and expanding as well.I know you may surprise why me putting things like this here but i really have to express my gratitude so anyone seeking for financial help or going through hardship with there business or want to startup business project can see to this and have hope of getting out of the hardship..Thank You.

  16. Here is Mr Benjamin contact Email details, 247officedept@gmail.com. / Or Whatsapp +1 989-394-3740 that helped me with loan of 90,000.00 Euros to startup my business and I'm very grateful,It was really hard on me here trying to make a way as a single mother things hasn't be easy with me but with the help of Mr Benjamin put smile on my face as i watch my business growing stronger and expanding as well.I know you may surprise why me putting things like this here but i really have to express my gratitude so anyone seeking for financial help or going through hardship with there business or want to startup business project can see to this and have hope of getting out of the hardship..Thank You.


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